Energy Conservation Portals



Sixteenth SAARC Summit (Silver Jubilee Summit) held in Thimphu, 28-29 April 2010 attached utmost importance on energy especially the energy conservation in the region. The   Silver Jubilee Declaration “Towards a Green and Happy South Asia” adopted by the leaders directed SAARC Energy Centre  to create a web portal on Energy Conservation for exchange of information and sharing of best practices among SAARC Member States. In compliance SEC has created this portal on energy conservation for sharing best practices. The information received from Member States and studies conducted by SEC on energy conservation are uploaded. The relevant organizations are requested to provide information on energy conservation initiatives, programmes, projects etc. through E-mail: for uploading to this portal.

1. Afghanistan - Afghan Energy Information Center (AEIC)

2. Bangladesh - Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources

3. India - Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) - India

4. Nepal - South Asia Regional Initiative for Regional Integration

5. Pakistan - The National Energy Conservation Centre - ENERCON

6. Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA).

Study on Implementation of SAARC Road Map for Energy and Energy Conservation: