


  1. A Case Study on Indian Wind Power Program for Technology Transfer and Sharing Best Practices. (Click Here)

  2. A Study on Geothermal Resources of SAARC Countries. (Click Here)

  3. Review of Existing Documents for the Selection of Regional Hydro Power Plants in Bhutan and Nepal... Coming Soon!

Knowledge Sharing Workshops

  1. SEC-UNESCAP Joint Workshop on Strengthening Institutional Capacity to Support Energy Efficiency in South Asia (17-18 March, Bhutan). (Click Here)

  2. Training Workshop on Energy Audit (16-19 June, Sri Lanka) (Download Now)

  3. SAARC Seminar on Solar Energy (15 Dec, Maldives). (Click Here)

  4. Development, Designing and Fabrication of Improved Cooking Stoves (ICS) Workable Model(s) for Cooking with Biomass for Rural Population in SAARC Region (Click Here)