

Study on Pricing Mechanism for Oil and Gas (including LNG and LPG) in SAARC Member States.

The study has been completed by in-house efforts of SAARC Energy Centre_ Initially the study was designed to cover all SAARC Member States, but due to limitations in the availability of data and relevant pricing information. This study includes Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Furthermore, due to the non-availability of data and pricing information , the level of details. varies amongst the SAARC countries. The study incorporate energy price evolution and current pricing policies of oil, gas, LPG and LNG in SAARC including description of the pricing mechanisms both for producers and different consuming sectors,. subsidies,. taxation and levy systems, and regulatory structures in each Member State.

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Study on evaluating energy conservation potential of Brick Production in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan by Sharing Best Practices in SAARC Countries.

The study has provided a deeper and focused look into the brick sector of the Pakistan with a renewed vision to analyze the current situation of the brick industry, evaluating the un-explored potential on energy conservation in kiln sector The need to adopt the energy conserving firing techniques, using alternate energy efficient technologies and studying the kiln emissions in order to propose guidelines for bringing energy efficiency in the sector, is now the call of the day. The study also perceives potential for in-depth technical specific energy audits and foot printing research work of the various types of traditional brick kilns to quantify the energy losses and recommend energy efficient methods and technologies for local adaptation.


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SAARC Action Plan on Energy Conservation

The SEC prepared the format for collecting inputs from the Member States, and it was circulated to the Member States through the SAARC Secretariat. The SEC acknowledges Governments of India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka for responding positively. Further, the SAARC Energy Centre incorporated inputs of the study on implementation of the SAARC Road Map for Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation (EE&EC) conducted by the SEC. The preparation of this Action Plan was facilitated by the information collected by the SEC through web searches and knowledge and experience of the Researcher.

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SAARC Energy Data Book (2001-2010)

This is the SAARC Energy Data Book published by SAARC Energy Centre (SEC). It provides statistics on different sources of energy in the SAARC Region for the years from 2001 to 2010.

The book provides various aspects of energy in this Region for regional and international professionals, researchers and planners.

Basic energy data of SAARC Member States have been taken mainly from The "Energy Statistics Database" of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The definitions and conversion factors used here conform to those used in the UN publications and have also been included in this issue, for ready reference.

SEC has the mandate to maintain a databank dealing with energy in South Asia to provide a basis for facilitating and promoting regional cooperation. To present reliable and accurate regional energy data in this book, we critically analyze the available UN data for its consistency and try to remove any discrepancies with the help of relevant organizations in the Member States. However, there is a need for assistance of Member States for quick response to the queries for critical review of their country data presented in this book and reporting any correction or revisions. It will help SEC maintain accurate energy statistics.

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