
6th Japan-SAARC Energy Symposium (March 6-7, 2013, Kathmandu, Nepal)

6th Japan-SAARC Energy Symposium (March 6-7, 2013, Kathmandu, Nepal)

The 6th Japan-SAARC Energy Symposium was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Japan in partnership with the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) on March 6-7, 2013 in the Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plazza, Kathmandu, Nepal. The theme of the symposium was “Commercially Viable Energy Networking in the SAARC Region, with Emphasis on Energy Grid Structure”. The symposium was inaugurated by Mr. Leela Mani Paudyal, Chief Secretary of the Government of Nepal and Chairman of NEA. In addition to the participants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka, the symposium was attended by the SAARC Secretariat, SAARC Energy Centre, Asian Development Bank, USAID, Ambassadors and diplomats from the SAARC Member Countries and other organizations based in Kathmandu. Presentations were made by the experts from the SAARC Member countries, SAARC Energy Centre, the ADB, USAID and SN Power Holdings Singapore Pte. Ltd. during the four sessions held over the period of two days. The aim of this symposium was to discuss the possible cooperation among SAARC member countries and also between Japan and SAARC member countries, with focus on subjects of common interest of energy and subsequently recommend future activities. Relevant organization in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have hosted previous round of this symposium.
The benefits of regional resource development and grid integration for electricity trade to enhance reliability, security and affordability of supply to the end-users was clearly brought out during the various deliberations in the symposium. The symposium acknowledged the contribution of the Government of Japan and requested them to continue with the JapanSAARC Energy Symposia initiative for enhanced regional energy cooperation in South Asia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Japan in consultation with the SAARC Energy Centre may plan and implement the future Japan-SAARC Energy Symposium collaboration with relevant local institution of the member countries.

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