
Training for Professionals of Afghanistan Public Private Partnership Unit and Afghanistan Electricity Regulatory Authority on Power Regulatory System

Training for Professionals of Afghanistan Public Private Partnership Unit and Afghanistan Electricity Regulatory Authority on Power Regulatory System

SAARC Energy Centre (SEC), Islamabad successfully conducted Training for Professionals of Afghanistan Public Private Partnership Unit and Afghanistan Electricity Regulatory Authority on Power Regulatory System from 16th to 20th September 2019 in Islamabad Pakistan in collaboration with NEPRA Pakistan. This workshop was attended by six Afghan delegates from the Ministry of Energy and Water and Ministry of Finance. During the five-day training, lectures and field visits were conducted. The classroom lectures were conducted at NEPRA Tower while field visits to NPCC, IESCO, PPIB, SkyElectric and CPPA were also conducted.

During the five-days training different aspects of a power regulatory system were discussed, starting from the theoretical concept of a regulatory system to a completely decentralized power systems. NEPRA members and officials from the respective departments presented their best practices and lessons learnt. During the field visits, each organization gave an overview of their systems and also discussed opportunities for collaboration.

The contents of the training including Concept Paper, Agenda, Presentations and Pictures are given below:

Workshop Agenda and Concept Paper

  1. Workshop Report, Click Here
  2. Workshop Agenda, Click Here
  3. Concept Paper, Click Here


Presentations during Workshop 

  1. Consumer Affairs Department by NEPRA, Pakistan.  Click Here
  2. Determination of Generation Tariff  by NEPRA, Pakistan.  Click Here
  3. Performance Standards and Monitoring by NEPRA, Pakistan.  Click Here
  4. Tariff Determination for Transmission & Distribution Companies by NEPRA, Pakistan.  Click Here
  5. Introduction about National Power Control Centre (NPCC) by Mr. Salman Gul. Click Here
  6. Introduction about Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA). Click Here

Procedure by NEPRA, Pakistan

  1. Tariff Standards and Procedure by NEPRA, Pakistan.  Click Here
  2. Application and Modification Procedure by NEPRA, Pakistan.  Click Here
  3. Upfront Tariff (Approval & Procedure) by NEPRA, Pakistan.  Click Here

Licensing Rules by NEPRA, Pakistan

  1. NEPRA Performance Standards (Transmission) Rules 2005 by NEPRA, Pakistan. Click Here
  2. NEPRA Performance Standards (Generation) Rules 2009 by NEPRA, Pakistan.  Click Here
  3. Distribution Licensing Rules by NEPRA, Pakistan.  Click Here
  4. Licensing Generation Rules by NEPRA, Pakistan. Click Here

Licensing Regime in Power Sector of Pakistan

  1. Evolution of Licensing Regime by NEPRA, Pakistan. Click Here
  2. Mechanism and Process of Licensing by NEPRA, Pakistan. Click Here
  3. Net Metering Concept & Process by NEPRA, Pakistan. Click Here


Workshop PicturesClick Here