
Webinar on “Exploring Financing Opportunities for Clean Energy, Environment and Energy Efficiency Projects”

Webinar on “Exploring Financing Opportunities for Clean Energy, Environment and Energy Efficiency Projects”

SAARC Energy Centre organized a Webinar on “Exploring Financing Opportunities for Clean Energy, Environment and Energy Efficiency Projects” on 9th April, 2019.

During the Webinar financial instruments, risks and barriers to financing in developing countries were identified and discussed in detail. The delegates described the selection of appropriate financing instrument, role of financial intermediaries and institutions. They explained private public partnerships and presented specific case studies on the use of appropriate financing instrument. Moreover, the webinar also discussed grant-based financing available through multilateral financial institutions and micro financing institutions. Following were the major aspects covered in during the webinar:

  1. Identification of financing risks and barriers in developing countries
  2. Specific financing challenges for each renewable energy technology type
  3. Detailed overview of financial opportunities/instruments
    • Grants and long-term equity
    • Venture capital equity
    • Debt
    • Asset backed securities
    • Guarantees and insurance
    • Results based financing
    • Carbon financing
    • Micro financing
    • Green bonds
    • Energy efficiency finance
  1. Role of financial intermediaries
  2. Case Studies

The content of the webinar including Concept paper, Webinar Agenda, Webinar Report and Presentations are given below:

Webinar Report, Agenda and Concept Paper  

  1. To Download Webinar Report, Click Here
  2. To download Webinar Concept Paper, Click Here
  3. To download Webinar Agenda, Click Here

Presentation during Webinar

  1. Presentation on “Financial Instruments for Renewable Energy Projects” by Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Click Here
  2. Presentation on “Renewable Energy Markets – Key to Financing” by Mr. Ammar Zafar Durani, Click Here
  3. Presentation on “Economics and Finance of Rooftop (distributed) PV and other PV” by Mr. Rahul Tongia, Click Here