Traditionally, medium voltage distribution networks employ bare aluminum overhead conductors for power transmission. The uninsulated bare conductors are vulnerable to line trip-outs and ground faults due to brief electric crosses or contacts with tree branches and oversized vehicles. The use of covered conductors allows for more compact assemblies and lower masts and poles, and helps to minimize the environmental impact of transporting electricity by reducing the visual intrusion of wires, poles and transmission towers.
In this context, SAARC Energy Centre (SEC) organized a webinar on “Use of Covered Conductors in Medium Voltage Power Transmission” on 22 November 2021. The objective of the webinar was to share information on the application of the covered conductor system in the distribution network. The speakers discussed all aspects of the covered conductor systems including: types, construction, applications, applicable standards, associated costs, maintenance, performance tests and benefits. The discussion was insightful particularly for the distribution network planning engineers and maintenance engineers, working in the SAARC region, with respect to the choice of covered-conductors best suited to their specific planning constraints and their operation and maintenance.
Further information is available at the following links:
- Concept Paper of the webinar, Click Here
- Provisional Agenda, Click Here
- Presentation on “Use of Covered Conductors in Medium Voltage Power” by Dr. Syed Ali Abbas Kazmi, Click Here
- Presentation on “Introduction to Covered Conductors” by Manish Patel, Click Here
Webinar Proceeding